Exporter index
Exporter index

The report has been prepared by Transparency International, with contributions from our national chapters and experts in 41 OECD Convention countries, as well as in China, Hong Kong SAR, India and Singapore. However, the index point changes are converted into percentage terms. Hong Kong is covered separately in the report, as it is an autonomous territory, with a different legal system from China and export data compiled separately. import and export price indexes (MXP) are compared on a month-to-month or year-to-year basis. This twelfth such report also assesses enforcement in China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, India and Singapore, which are not parties to the OECD Convention but are major exporters, accounting for 18 per cent of world exports. The Convention is a key instrument for curbing global corruption because the 44 signatory countries are responsible for approximately 65 per cent of world exports and more than 75 per cent of total foreign direct investment outflows. The event was held in a hybrid format.Transparency International’s 2018 progress report is an independent assessment of the enforcement of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention, which requires parties to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials and introduce related measures. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) today launched its flagship Annual Statistical Bulletin (ASB) 2022. OPEC’s 2022 Annual Statistical Bulletin launched in Vienna.In view of current oil market fundamentals and the consensus on its outlook, the OPEC and participating non-OPEC oil producing countries agreed to: Read more Steptoe & Johnson LLP is an international law firm. The 30th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting was held via videoconference on 30 June 2022. Steptoe attorneys handle export requirements for transfers of dual-use items, controlled primarily under the Export Administration Regulations administered by the Commerce Department, and 'defense articles and services,' controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations administered by the State Department.

exporter index

  • 30th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting.
  • The President of Nigeria, HE Muhammadu Buhari, received OPEC Secretary General, HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, and an accompanying delegation from the OPEC Secretariat in Abuja, Nigeria.
  • OPEC Secretary General meets Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Export and import price indexes measure the rate of change over time in the prices of exported and imported goods and services.
  • exporter index

    It is with immense sorrow and sadness that the OPEC Secretariat learnt of the passing of the OPEC Secretary General, His Excellency, Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, in his home country of Nigeria. Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo: an OPEC icon, a dear friend to many.Compared with April 2022, import prices were up 0.9 in May 2022. The year-on-year rate of change had been +31.7 in April 2022 and +31.2 in March 2022, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). Read moreĭelivered by HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, OPEC Secretary General, at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum, 8 June 2022, Washington DC, United States. 30 June 2022 Import prices in May 2022: +30.6 on May 2021 Import prices were 30.6 higher in May 2022 compared with May 2021. Welcoming remarks by Iraq’s Minister of Oilĭelivered by HE Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismaael, Iraq’s Minister of Oil and Head of its Delegation to OPEC, at the launch of OPEC’s history book tilted ‘OPEC 60 years and beyond: A story of courage, cooperation and commitment,’ 19 June 2022, Baghdad, Iraq.Szerdán az amerikai energiaügyi minisztérium közölte, hogy az Egyesült Államok olajkészlete a múlt héten 3,25 millió hordóval, a benzinkészlet 5,82 millió.

    exporter index

    Brief remarks by OPEC Secretary Generalĭelivered by HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, OPEC Secretary General, at the launch of OPEC’s history book tilted ‘OPEC 60 years and beyond: A story of courage, cooperation and commitment,’ 19 June 2022, Baghdad, Iraq. A Brent olajfajta jegyzése a londoni ICE Futures tzsdén 14.30 órakor 2,39 dollárral (2,15 százalékkal) 97,18 dollárra, április óta a legalacsonyabb szintre csökkent.Keynote address by OPEC Secretary Generalĭelivered by HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, OPEC Secretary General, at the opening ceremony of the 21st edition of Nigeria Oil and Gas (NOG) Conference and Exhibition, 5 July 2022, Abuja, Nigeria.

    Exporter index